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Our Prayer

Heavenly Father, 

In Jesus, you are our strength and refuge. 

We pray for all those in our world who seek refuge, the displaced, the refugees, the asylum seekers. 

May they know peace, security, and what it means to feel safe. 

May we, who have Jesus as our strength and refuge, be able to share his love in word and action. 

May we have a heart to befriend those refugee and asylum seekers that we meet. 

May we, as a Church warmly welcome those refugees and asylum seekers who come our way. 

May we go out of our way to understand and walk with them. 

May we all appreciate and understand, that if it were not for Jesus’ sacrificial love, we would be all displaced from your kingdom. 

Therefore, as we have been accepted by that sacrificial love, may we show sacrificial love to others. 

And may the Holy Spirit give us that power and boldness, to welcome, befriend, guide and support the displaced, the refugee and the asylum seeker. 

We pray this in Jesus name. Amen